10 Simple Mindfulness Exercises to Learn
We are living in a fast-paced world driven by money, careers, businesses, and now, social media. Trying to find balance amongst all these things while handling the responsibilities of family life can become stressful and challenging. Learning and practicing mindful exercises is key to finding balance and clarity in chaos.
Practicing mindfulness through simple and effective exercises not only helps you find balance in life, but also can teach you to develop a strong mindset and find inner peace.
What does Science say about Mindfulness Exercises?
Today, Scientific Research is proving the effectiveness of mindfulness exercises. Specifically, two practices which are Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) and Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT).
Mindfulness-based Stress Reduction (MBSR) involves weekly group classes and mindfulness exercises at home over an 8 week period.
Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) involves a therapeutic intervention combined with MBSR and Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to treat people with Depression.
Now I know not everyone can afford to be part of such programs. However, unless you have some serious issues with anxiety or depression that require the assistance of a medical professional, you can start mindfulness exercises at home. When you learn the correct way to practice and do it consistently, there is a high chance that you start seeing a positive difference in your life.
Now that you know how mindfulness can help you, below are 10 simple mindfulness exercises you can learn easily.

10 Simple Mindfulness Exercises You Can Learn Easily
Mindfulness Meditation:
Mindfulness meditation is a practice of combining mindfulness and meditation. It is also intertwined while having some differences. To practice mindfulness meditation you can sit down comfortably with your back and neck straight, chin tucked in a little, and close your eyes.
Start with slow and deep breaths and focus your awareness to your breath while also being aware of the physical sensations in your body. It is normal to get distracted often when you’re starting. When you notice you have gotten distracted, just start over and continue. Initially you can start for a few minutes every time and work your way up as you start getting more comfortable.
Body scan:
Another great and simple exercise you can try to practice mindfulness is a body scan. To do a mindful body scan, sit in a comfortable position, with your legs crossed on a mat or in a chair with your back straight. Then close your eyes and take a few long deep breaths, 10 would be a good count.
Then slowly with your next inhale start focusing on your toes moving to the sole of your foot and slowly moving up towards your legs, then your thighs, moving up to the base of your spine and slowly working your way up until you reach the top of your head. Take as much time as you feel is right. The most important thing is to stay present with your feelings while focusing on all the different parts of your body.
Going for a mindful walk:
If you live in a place surrounded by nature, going for a mindful walk could be an easy and enjoyable way of inviting mindfulness into your life. Even if you live in a city, most cities still have parks and other natural places within them that you can go to.
Take the time to be mindful of your steps, the ground you’re walking on, the people you see, notice the trees, the light and how the air feels like on your face.
Mindful breathing:
On average, we take around 20,000 breaths per day. Mindful breathing is a deep breathing exercise that focuses on attention to your breath as it comes in and out of your body.
To practice mindful breathing, simply close your eyes and start taking in deep and slow breaths and keep your focus on the in and out of air through your nose and/or mouth. Notice how the passage of air feels like going in and out and keep repeating until you feel a sense of calm and relaxation.
Mindful breathing has proven to help become more mindful in your everyday life.

Focused observation:
Focused observation is another simple exercise you can try anywhere to bring your attention back to the present moment. To practice focused observation, select any random object wherever you are. It could be a leaf, a fruit, an insect etc. Ideally something with life or a story behind it like an amazing piece of architecture.
Observe the details on it. Any bruises, patterns, shades of colors, different shapes on the edges etc. By doing this you practice focusing on the present moment and what’s happening in the now as opposed to thinking about the past or future.
Focused listening:
Like focused observation, focused listening is another simple yet effective practice to bring your attention to the present moment and become more mindful.
This works best with momentary sounds such as background noise, birds chirping, insects buzzing, sound of the waves crashing by the beach etc. Just pick one momentary sound you’re hearing right now and focus on listening to just that. It will remind you of where you are at this very moment.
Mindful gardening:
If you’re lucky enough to have a front or back yard in your house, then gardening is a fun and amazing way to invite mindfulness into your life.
By starting a small home farm of whichever plant you want to grow, you take the time regularly to nurture another living organism. This requires being mindful of what your plants need to grow and taking care of them so that they produce nutritious fruits and veggies.
Doing the dishes:
This is one of my favorite ways of practicing mindfulness. Now don’t get me wrong, I am not saying that I love to wash a pile of dirty old dishes. But the whole point is not to get there.
By washing dishes twice a day or so, you avoid having to wash a huge pile of dishes at once and learn to enjoy washing and keeping your dishes and kitchenware clean. When doing the dishes, just do the dishes and nothing else. Keep this mantra in your heart and focus on doing your dishes mindfully.

Cleaning your home, workspace, and belongings is a great way to practice mindfulness. If you love your belongings, you will take care of them. Cleaning allows you to focus on whatever you’re cleaning and stay in the present moment.
Activities like sweeping can be a very effective way to practice deliberate action and remain mindful of the present while doing it.
Folding clothes:
Now any action can be done mindlessly without any consideration. However, an action as simple as folding clothes can be done mindfully. Focus on folding your clothes in a neat and specific way so that it stays in your wardrobe nicely for longer.
By reminding yourself to do the most mundane tasks like this slowly and mindfully, you cultivate mindfulness in your everyday life.
What should be your key takeaway?
The truth is mindfulness is a very simple thing, but it takes a lot of deliberate effort and patience. There are so many ways you can become more mindful. What’s important is that you actually want to become more mindful and present in your life so that you get to experience it fully.
By having an attitude like this, you can remind yourself every day to do things mindfully. By doing small things like this regularly over an extended period of time, you’ll start noticing that you have become more mindful.