20 Habits For A Slow Living Lifestyle

by | Sep 28, 2024 | Simple Living | 0 comments

20 Habits For A Slow Living Lifestyle


Are you feeling burnt out due to the pace of life? Start living a slow living lifestyle with these 20 amazing habits and hobbies. 


In today’s fast-paced world, if you don’t act fast you’re likely to miss the best of opportunities. 


While this is a good mantra to follow when it comes to business and career development, it’s not the best way to live your life on a day-to-day basis. 


With a slow living lifestyle, you make time to deliberately schedule habits and hobbies that allow you to take a pause and slow down your pace.


It helps you relax, and slow down a racing mind that is always looking for the next thing to do. 


If you’re currently living life in a fast lane, now could be the best time to rethink how you spend your time. 


Below are 20 habits and hobbies you can schedule into your day to make some mental space and practice a slow living lifestyle.  


20 Habits to start practicing a Slow Living Lifestyle

1. Waking up early


Early mornings are the quietest hours of the day. By going to bed early and waking up early, you can benefit from the calmness of the morning hours. 


It allows you to do a morning routine slowly without rushing anything. Waking up at least 2 to 3 hours before your work day starts can help you slow down and start your day in a calm and still headspace.  

2. Meditation


Meditation is one of the best ways to slow down a racing mind and calm your nervous system. It has been proven to offer many benefits to practitioners worldwide. 


By practicing meditation regularly, you train your mind to slow down and do things more mindfully. 


Yoga for Slow Living

3. Yoga


Yoga is another practice that can give you stillness of mind, body, and spirit. It challenges you to maintain difficult postures. 


You learn to slow down through challenging situations and be comfortable in the uncomfortable. 


Yoga practices often take time and allow you to be more present with your thoughts. 


When you meet regular yoga practitioners, you can usually tell they have this calm energy and are very comfortable with the present moment. 


4. Tai Chi 


Tai Chi is an ancient martial art from China. Over time, it has evolved into a form of exercise. It is also known as moving meditation.


Through slow and careful movements, you train your mind to remain still and focused through these movements by simply observing. 


5. Brewing Tea or Coffee


We are used to having instant tea or a coffee machine where you just have to insert a capsule. And there is nothing wrong with it.


But have you ever tried to brew tea or coffee? It’s a process that allows you to be fully present while making your favorite morning beverage. 


It’s usually a much slower process when compared to making instant coffee or tea. 


6. Reading


Daily reading can be a great hobby to slow down and be present with the book you’re reading. Early mornings or before bed are ideal times to read your favorite books.


Reading allows you to be free of distractions and fully indulge in the thoughts of some of the greatest authors to ever live. 


7. Journaling


Journaling is a very well-known mindfulness exercise to regulate your thoughts and increase self-awareness. 


As Journaling requires you to be present with your thoughts, It is also a great way to express yourself and practice a slow living lifestyle. 


8. Morning walks


Morning walks are also a great way to be by yourself and take in the scenery of nature or the city landscapes wherever you live.


A morning stroll can help you get some fresh air and vitamin D, and start your day at a slower pace.

Slow gardening

9. Gardening


Gardening is also a perfect hobby for anyone who wants to start practicing a slow living lifestyle. Taking care of plants and crops requires plenty of time and observation.


Both indoor and outdoor gardening can be a really rewarding and mindful hobby. 


10. Knitting


Knitting is an amazing hobby that integrates slow living into your lifestyle. The process of interlacing yarn loops is slow and needs one to be present. 


11. Embroidery


Just like knitting, embroidering is another creative art and hobby that needs one’s focus and presence.


It’s a great way to slow down and take your time to create something mindfully. 


12. Painting


Painting is also a hobby where you can lose track of time and indulge in a slow creative process. 


Through painting and creating art, you can integrate slow living into your lifestyle and cultivate a creative mind. 


13. Photography


Photography requires a lot of time. You need time to find good locations, angles, and lighting and spend even more time editing. 


14. Pottery making


Pottery making is a process that involves making vessels and other objects using clay and other ceramic materials. 


It requires focus, a lot of practice, and patience and therefore is a great hobby for slow living enthusiasts. 

Mindful baking

15. Baking


Baking is another hobby with multiple processes and layers, taking time to learn and perfect. It’s a good hobby to do a mindful activity and prepare something slowly. 


16. Cooking


Nowadays, it’s so convenient to just order in all the time. It saves time for busy people and through this, eating has become another chore.


Whenever you have the time, try to experiment with different ingredients and cook some dishes. It can be a fun and rewarding experience and improve your mindfulness. 


17. Making a puzzle


Puzzles take a lot of time and require you to be patient making it a great activity to improve mindfulness.


To complete a puzzle you will need to spend enough time and there’s just no other way around it. 


18. Learning a musical instrument


Unless you’re a musical genius, chances are you are going to struggle with learning a new musical instrument.


It will take a lot of time, practice, and patience to learn and play a musical instrument. 


19. Making fermented foods


Fermented foods aren’t just a great slow hobby, but also good for your gut health. The process of making fermented foods can help you appreciate slow processes in life which usually means bigger rewards. 


20. Skincare routine


All of us should have a skincare routine. It’s not just for women but for men as well. Having a morning and evening skincare routine is a mindful process and can be a part of your daily slow living routine. 




Slow living is a lifestyle choice for many and a conscious process. You have to integrate different activities into your daily schedule to help you start a slow living lifestyle. 


I hope this post has inspired you to slow down your life and do things more mindfully. 


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