The Power Of Setting Daily Intentions And How To Do It
How does your typical morning look like? Do you wake up just before you have enough time to do everything in a rush?
Not taking the time to check in with yourself can lead to feelings of disconnection from yourself and your goals, and leave you feeling lost and unmotivated. Setting daily intentions before you start your day can be an empowering tool to move past this feeling and help you remain more focused and productive.
What does this mean? It means to ask yourself every morning what you want out of this new day that is ahead of you. By setting daily intentions, it becomes easier for you to stay more mindful of your actions and to guide yourself back in the right direction when you feel like you’re getting distracted.
Setting daily intentions is a simple practice that can be done under 5 minutes and by doing this daily, it becomes easier to stay true to your goals, ambitions, and most importantly to your authentic self.
In this article, we are going to learn about what daily intentions are, why they are so important, and how you too can start setting daily intentions.
What does it mean to set a daily intention?
Let’s start with what an intention is. An intention, by definition, is something you want and plan to do.
A simple example of setting a daily intention could be something like, “Today, I intend to be more mindful and considerate of all beings I come across”.
Intentions can also be set on things such as:
- Being more present in the moment
- Working on your goals and staying focused on them
- Being kind to everyone you come across
- Drinking more water and staying hydrated
- Eating healthy food that provides your body and mind with the nourishment it needs
Intentions can be very different for different people. It can be a great tool to align yourself with your personal values, goals, and ambitions.
Why are setting daily intentions so important?
If you are committed to your goals and ambitions, setting daily intentions becomes even more important. The way we bring transformation to our lives is by setting goals and committing to them every day. The little steps you take toward your goals daily are what ultimately changes your life.
While setting goals and ambitions are great, we often struggle to keep up with it and get distracted by other things.
Setting daily intentions around these goals will help you stay aligned with what you want to achieve and remind you why it is so important for you. Through daily intentions, your goals and ambitions and how to achieve them becomes imbibed into your brain. When you set an intention, it keeps you accountable for your choices and actions.
By setting intentions, you start to live your life with more purpose and it allows you to direct your life the way you truly want it.
Now that you know what an intention is and why it is so important, it’s time to learn how you can start setting daily intentions correctly.
There are several ways you can start setting daily intentions. Experts agree that writing it down daily can help to deeper engrain it to your brain. You could jot it down on your journal, daily planner or simply anywhere you can easily see them throughout the day. I highly recommend you do this process as part of your morning routine or before you start your daily activities.
Below are questions that can help when setting daily intentions.
- How would you like to be today?
- How would you like to treat others today?
- What do you need to do today to move closer to your goals?
- What are the things that make your life more meaningful?
When setting daily intentions, it is very important to align them with different aspects of your life such as personal goals, career goals, family and relationships, health, finances, etc.
Here are some examples of some daily intentions to set for a more meaningful and driven life:
- I will be more accepting and kind to myself
- I will be more mindful and considerate of all beings I come across
- I will let go of my attachment to the past
- I will not worry about the uncertainty of the future
- I will be more mindful of the present moment
- I will work on achieving my goals
- I will be more loving and gentle towards my family, loved ones, and friends
- I will eat healthy food that nourishes my body
- I will drink enough water to keep myself hydrated
- I will develop a healthier relationship with money
As you can see, intentions can be anything. It highly depends on who you are and what you want to achieve in life. Just make sure that your intentions are positive, genuine and motivates you to become a better person every day.
By getting into the habit of setting daily intentions that truly resonate with you, you will start seeing that it gets easier to be more focused on your life goals and ambitions. Whether it is personal, professional, spiritual, or any other kind of growth you are looking for, setting daily intentions in the morning prepares you to face the day with an unbreakable will and heightened sense of responsibility.
I hope this article has inspired you to start setting daily intentions to help you live your life to the fullest. What intentions are you going to set for yourself today?