20 Aspirational Relationship Goals for Couples
Every couple dreams of achieving relationship goals and building a life of love, happiness, and excitement.
So you’ve found that one person you feel like is the one for you. You’ve both been together for a while now and gone through many things together. You’ve seen both the good and bad sides of your relationship and still decided to build a life together.
If you’re currently in a relationship and ready to start a new chapter in life with your better half, keep reading to learn about some aspirational relationship goals to aim for and achieve together.
To find more balance in life, it’s always good to create and achieve goals in different aspects of your life. Below relationship goals are focused on 4 very important aspects of every couple’s life together.
Love & Intimacy
Without love and intimacy, no relationship can survive long. And even if you’re currently in a good place with your life partner on this aspect, it’s important to always keep working and maintaining the love and intimacy in your relationship.
Below are some great goals to set to create and maintain more love and intimacy with your life partner.
1. Building trust
Trust is earned. While it’s okay to trust the person you love without much reasoning, both partners should always build and maintain trust between each other by being honest, reliable, and consistent with being there for the other.
2. Celebrating each other
Outside of your relationship, both of you have your own lives, dreams, and goals. Maybe it’s related to career, finances, fitness, etc. When your significant other achieves something they have been working towards, always take the time to celebrate them and let them know how proud you are of them.
3. Open and honest communication
As a couple, there will be times when you need to address concerns and talk about things that aren’t easy. Even if it’s a difficult and uncomfortable subject to talk about, it’s very important for both of you to make the time and be able to talk openly and honestly.
4. Spending quality time together
In today’s societies, most couples work and therefore spend the majority of their day apart from each other. And when you’re back at home together, you may find yourself just too tired to do anything. While it’s okay sometimes to just rest, it’s also very important to spend quality time together with your partner.
It doesn’t always have to be fancy dinners or going out. You can spend quality time with each other at home too.
5. Learn their love language
Different people express love and care differently. For instance, my wife’s way of showing me love is through physical affection while I show it more by doing things for her.
Talk about how both of you prefer it and try to be there for them in a way that makes them feel safe, important, and loved.

Unless you’re married into royalty and have everything provided to you, every couple needs to earn, save, and spend money. Financial burdens are one of the most common issues causing problems between couples.
To keep your finances afloat, both partners should learn to be financially savvy, find ways to earn and save more and spend less. Below are some financial goals to achieve as a couple.
6. Create a monthly budget
Creating a monthly budget and sticking to it is so important as that will decide if you’re able to earn and save as much as you should while keeping expenses within the allocated budget.
7. Open a joint savings account
A joint savings account with a good interest rate is a great way to save for the future and not be worried about a rainy-day emergency. Both partners can agree to put a certain amount every month to this account and watch it grow and gain interest over time.
8. Start investing together
A savings account may not give you the best return on your investment. Start looking at other ways to invest your money such as in stocks where you are likely to have a much higher return.
You can take up a small percentage of the monthly savings and put it into stocks instead of putting everything in a savings account.
9. Keep no secrets about money
As a couple, both partners need to be aware of each other’s loans, debts, credit history, and any other financial burden they may be carrying. By being transparent, both partners can plan and manage the household finances better.
10. Set financial targets
Setting financial targets is a great way to make sure your earnings, savings, and spending as a couple are on track with your short-term and long-term goals.
Different couples have different financial goals and your daily, weekly, and monthly financial habits need to align with your goals.

Future Planning
This should be a very important aspect of every couple’s life together. A future plan makes your commitment to each other and your goals as a couple stronger and more likely to last.
Below are some important future planning goals to aim for.
11. Saving for the down payment for a home
Every family needs a home. You may just be a couple right now and get by living in a rented apartment or your family home. But chances are, in the near future you will have kids and later on they will have their own families.
Take a portion of your savings every month and start investing in a high-interest savings account.
12. Start planning to start your own family
One of the biggest mistakes young couples make is having kids without properly planning for it. It can be tempting to have a kid given how much it can change your life and bring so much joy.
However, raising a child is a big responsibility and as a couple, you need to be financially able to afford it and mentally mature enough to endure it.
So, have a rough timeline of when you want to have kids, how much money you need to save for it, and try to enjoy your time as a couple right now.
13. Open a savings account for your future children’s education
Education is expensive. When you have children, you need to invest money in their education and provide them with all the necessary support.
College and University fees are higher than ever and by opening a savings account now, you’ll be in a much better position by the time your kids come of age.
14. Plan for Retirement
We are all going to be old someday and unable to work to earn a living. While you still can do so, it is so important that both as a couple and individually to have a retirement fund that you’ll have access to when that time comes and ensure you live a comfortable life when you are old.
15. Make a 5-year plan
Making a 5-year plan comprising all your goals with timelines as a couple and the actions needed to achieve them can make such a difference in your life.
It will keep you on track as a couple and help you identify the progress you’re making and make changes as you go along.

Travel & Lifestyle
Life is all about the experiences you have. And as a couple, it’s no different. Make it a goal to have great experiences together that will help you learn, improve your health, and enjoy life to its fullest.
16. Start an exercise routine
Exercising as a couple can help you stay motivated and keep each other accountable when you don’t feel like it. I’m not saying you have to always do it together, but making the time to exercise together will make your relationship stronger.
17. Cook together
If both of you love cooking, then great. Even if one of you doesn’t enjoy it as much, just being there with the other helping out and testing out new recipes can be an enjoyable experience and make you bond more.
It’s also a great way to save more money and eat healthy.
18. Go on dates often
Staying home cooking your meals is great, but so is going out on dates together. When you’re going out to eat make it a special occasion.
It doesn’t always have to be a fancy dinner, you can go see the sunset with a drink together, have a long nice drive, or go to a movie. It’s more about the mindset than the materialistic element attached to it.
19. Read & learn together
I always say learning is a lifelong commitment just like love. Reading together as a couple is an amazing way to share new knowledge with each other and learn valuable information that can help to improve your life as a couple.
20. Travel together
With the world being as accessible as it is now, I think at one point we all have caught the travel bug. Traveling together as a couple can be such a rewarding experience and you get to enjoy so much food, culture, and nature together.
Aim to travel at least once a year together to a new place. If you can afford it why not more? There are so many amazing experiences out there waiting for you and your significant other.
Relationship goals can be so different for people but I hope that you found the goals in this post helpful or at least inspire you to come up with your own set of goals in your relationship.
The most important thing is to set those goals, stay loyal and humble, and never stop working towards achieving them as a couple.