Healthy Habits to start in your 20s Now that I’ve turned 30, I took the time to reflect on my 20s and how it went by, what I learned and wished I could have done differently. Based on my life experiences, today I would like to share some healthy habits to start in your 20s. It was 10 years ago, when I was a young energetic person excited about what I wanted out of life. I was fresh out of college and looking to build a career. I was unsure of the career path I wanted and was very naive about what it takes to be healthy and how finances work. Today, 10 years later, I...
How to Quit Bad Habits – A Practical Guide
How to Quit Bad Habits - A Practical Guide We human beings often tend to enjoy things that aren't good for us both mentally and physically. While the majority of us acknowledge this, most of the time we don't know how to quit bad habits. For every bad habit, there is a part that makes us think it’s good for us. For instance, we all know smoking is bad for us. But for a smoker, it’s easy to justify why they smoke. Nicotine stimulates the release of dopamine which makes the smoker feel good and reduces stress. This could easily be seen as a good thing about smoking. What...
10 Best Habit Books of all time
10 Best Habit Books of all time Habits are considered as any activity that can be done with little to no effort or almost automatically. Building good habits requires time and effort until your mind has been trained to do that action more effortlessly. There are excellent books written about building habits over the years, but in this post, I have researched and reviewed the 10 best habit books of all time in my opinion. Below are the 10 best habit books of all time 1. The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg Summary In this book, award-winning New York Times business...
10 Signs you need a Social Media Break
10 Signs you need a Social Media Break Social Media is great, no doubt about it. It has changed our lives so much that almost everything is on social media. We have come to learn so much about our world through social media. But sometimes, you need to listen to your inner self and be able to see the signs you need a social media break. There is so much good to learn from social media, however, we need to always be aware that we only see what people want us to see on social media. If we use social media excessively, it is very easy to get caught up with the highlight reels of...
How to Make Meditation a Habit
How to Make Meditation a Habit If you’re like most of us, you would probably understand how challenging sometimes it can be to make meditation a habit. Especially when you get started. However, it doesn’t always have to be that way. By changing how you think about meditation and your approach on how to make meditation a habit, you can overcome this very common hurdle and finally make meditation a part of your daily routine. Not only will you feel great about this change, but as time goes you will also start seeing subtle changes in your life in a big way. Although...
Habit vs Routine: Understanding the difference between Habit and Routine
Habit vs Routine: Understanding the difference between Habit and Routine In our journey of self-improvement, we come across so many different ideas, concepts, and guides. It’s not uncommon to get overwhelmed by the amount of information about personal growth and self-improvement. Understanding the difference between habits vs routine is one of the best things you can learn early on to avoid getting caught up with all the information available online. What is the difference between Habit vs Routine? The difference between habit vs routine is that a habit is a behaviour...
Daily Habits to Improve Mental Health
Daily Habits to Improve Mental Health Today, we live in such a fast paced world where success is measured by output, money and glamorous careers. These measures can often lead to burnout, stress and high levels of anxiety. The importance of daily habits to improve mental health is at an all time high. WHO defines Mental health as a state of mental well-being that enables people to cope with the stresses of life, realize their abilities, learn well and work well, and contribute to their community. As adults we are faced with so many new challenges such as rising prices of living,...
12 Best Books to Read for Success
12 Best Books to read for success Success is the result of a lot of small things done consistently. And a key element of that is gaining the required knowledge. If you look into the lives of the most successful people in the world, you will find one common trait. And that is that they read a lot. By reading the best books for success, they are able to constantly put themselves ahead of others and achieve greater levels of success. The books in this list come from some of the most successful people themselves such as Sadhguru, Robin Sharma, Guy Kawasaki, Tim Ferriss, Tony Robbins...
Reading Habits of successful people – How to gain the most out of reading
Reading Habits of successful people - How to gain the most out of reading Knowledge is Power. This saying goes a long way. It really is true, the world’s libraries and bookstores are full of wisdom and knowledge waiting to be discovered. The reading habits of successful people continue to put them ahead of the rest. The most successful people reportedly spend hours daily reading and educating themselves. Moreover, they love to share and educate others about what they learn. Through this process of learning and sharing, they engrave this priceless knowledge in their own brain,...
Successful People Habits you should learn now
Successful People Habits Have you ever wondered what successful people do on a daily basis? I took the time to research the lives of some of the most successful people on the planet so that you too can learn and implement successful people habits this year. What are successful people habits? Successful people habits are habits that contribute the most to a person's success in life. Hence this can be a range of things. Aside from a bit of luck, what makes someone successful are the habits they are able to cultivate throughout their lives.Here are 10 of the most cultivated...
Best Morning Habits for Success
Best Morning Habits for Success What you do in the morning can have a big impact on the rest of your day. By purposefully creating and doing the best morning habits for success, you constantly put yourself ahead daily. Little steps taken like this every day will eventually make you successful in achieving your goals no matter what. Real success is not achieved overnight, but through daily grind and overcoming obstacles. If you’re the type of person who shows up for your goals in some way or another no matter how small it might be, give yourself some praise. It’s the...
How to take a Break from Social Media and Why you should do it
How to take a Break from Social Media and Why you should do it “In this digital age that we live in, it has become more important now than ever, to learn how to take a break from social media. Excessive use of social media can cause feelings of inadequacy, sadness and even depression.” We live in a time where almost everything is just a fingertip away. All you need to do is take out your smart phone and search for it on the internet. While this is very convenient, it can also cause a lot of problems if we do not learn how to use it mindfully. Social media is where...
60 Daily Habits to Improve your Life
60 Daily Habits to Improve your Life “What sets highly successful people apart from others is the commitment towards daily habits to improve your life.” Ever wonder why some people just seem to be achieving great things and it all looks so easy from the outside? What we don’t see is the amount of hard work and commitment it takes to achieve great things. What sets highly successful people apart from others is the commitment towards daily habits to improve your life. If you’re serious about creating new habits and committing to them daily, this article is just for you as I breakdown these...
How to Create New Habits – A Beginners Guide
How to Create New Habits - A Beginners Guide “Learning how to create new habits and nurturing them on a daily basis is the key to make real progress in all aspects of your life such as health, family, relationships, finances etc.” When we look at the most successful people in the world and how much they have achieved, it may seem like they are just so smart or born with the drive to be achieving things at the pace they are. But If you look closely, you will see that they are just people like us. What sets them apart is that they have created and nurtured habits into their life. Doing all...
Habit Forming – Is 21 Days Enough? (The Myth & The Truth)
Habit Forming – Is 21 Days Enough? (The Myth & The Truth) It is a well-known fact that the habits of highly successful people allow them to keep doing things that lead to even more success overtime. This includes great habits in almost every aspect in their life from what they eat, how much they sleep, when they exercise and how they tackle their tasks. If you have heard about habit forming in 21 days, and wonder how this came up, keep reading as this article is all about how a habit is formed, if habit forming in 21 days really work and how this theory has exploded in the habit...

Hey, We're Ikko & Nani
The Pure Calm is a blog dedicated to helping you learn and form good habits that will help you reach your full potential. No matter where you are in life . . .