Self Care

20 Self-Care Sunday Ideas To Feel Rejuvenated

20 Self Care Sunday Activities To Feel Rejuvenated

20 Self-Care Sunday Ideas To Feel Rejuvenated   Self-Care Sunday refers to the practice of dedicating a Sunday to take care of yourself. Sundays are usually a holiday for a large population of the world.    Self-Care Sundays are about doing things that make you feel good and recharged mentally, physically, and emotionally to start the coming week.    It is also about restoring your mind, body, and spirit from the past week's tiredness and stress.    What is Self-Care?   Practicing self-care on Sunday is a great habit. However, Self-care should not be just limited...

The Power of Setting Daily Intentions And How To Do It

The Power Of Setting Daily Intentions And How To Do It

The Power Of Setting Daily Intentions And How To Do It How does your typical morning look like? Do you wake up just before you have enough time to do everything in a rush? Not taking the time to check in with yourself can lead to feelings of disconnection from yourself and your goals, and leave you feeling lost and unmotivated. Setting daily intentions before you start your day can be an empowering tool to move past this feeling and help you remain more focused and productive. What does this mean? It means to ask yourself every morning what you want out of this new day that is ahead of...

Letting Go of Things That No Longer Serve You

Letting Go of Things That No Longer Serve You

Letting Go of Things That No Longer Serve You Acquiring new things (material things, skills, wealth, etc.) is often celebrated as a way of defining success and happiness in life. While these things can certainly elevate how you feel about your life, there is a certain aspect to life that is not about acquiring but about letting go. Letting go of things that no longer serve you is in a way more important than getting a lot of new things.  Even if you have all the materialistic things you want in life, without a well-trained mind to letting go of things that no longer serve you, chances are...

10 Self Care Ideas for a Healthier Mind & Body | A Practical Guide

Self Care Ideas

10 Self Care Ideas for a Healthier Mind & Body | A Practical Guide   Are you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed both mentally and physically? Maybe you even understand why you could be feeling this way? All you know is that you need to start practicing self-care, but you just don’t know where to start. Keep reading if you are ready to learn some practical self-care ideas you can start today. The practice of self-care is an often overlooked aspect of healthy living. That may be because the whole idea sounds so simple. And that is partially true because self-care can pretty much be...

Hey, We're Ikko & Nani

The Pure Calm is a blog dedicated to helping you learn and form good habits that will help you reach your full potential. No matter where you are in life . . .

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