10 Self Care Ideas for a Healthier Mind & Body | A Practical Guide

by | Mar 14, 2021 | Self Care | 0 comments

10 Self Care Ideas for a Healthier Mind & Body | A Practical Guide


Are you feeling exhausted and overwhelmed both mentally and physically? Maybe you even understand why you could be feeling this way? All you know is that you need to start practicing self-care, but you just don’t know where to start. Keep reading if you are ready to learn some practical self-care ideas you can start today.

The practice of self-care is an often overlooked aspect of healthy living. That may be because the whole idea sounds so simple. And that is partially true because self-care can pretty much be any activity or (non-activity) that can keep you away from all sorts of ailments both mental and physical. 

However, the not so simplistic part of self-care is the part where you actually practice self-care and commit to it daily. One of the most important aspects of pretty much any sort of habit or action is a daily commitment. 


So how can you get started on your journey of self-care?


First, let’s understand what makes a healthy human being. To be healthy, you need to take care of your body and your mind. True health and wellness cannot happen if either of these areas is being neglected. So, the most important thing is to first understand and accept this and remind yourself that true health and wellness is a lifetime commitment.  

Starting with this mindset will help you to remind yourself when things seem to be falling apart sometimes and when you feel like you aren’t making any progress (very likely to happen, but don’t worry and keep doing your best). It is through these tougher times that you will grow even stronger and learn to overcome adversity the most. With this in mind, below are 10 practical self-care ideas for a healthier mind and body.

1. Don’t check your phone first thing in the morning:

I guess we are all guilty of this little habit that seems to be harmless? But in reality, it’s not as harmless as it may appear to be. It can have quite a bit of influence on your mood throughout the day. The human mind tends to compare our most mundane and boring moments in life to other people’s highlights in life shared on social media. This is not a great way to start your day. So, take your mornings just to wake up and do a mindfulness practice. How you spend your mornings has the power to influence the remaining part of your day. Act wisely. 


2. Start a mindfulness practice:

I cannot stress enough on the importance of this and how much it has changed my life. This activity need not be a very complex subject. You can start small and make changes as you progress. Giving your mind the right kind of direction and care regularly will help you to stay grounded and more present in every moment. If you aren’t sure how to get started on this, my earlier post on how to create a powerful morning routine can be very helpful. 


3. Express Gratitude:

You probably may have heard of this one and that’s because expressing gratitude can have a lasting effect on your mood and well-being. Every morning after you wake up, try sitting down for a few minutes to practice being grateful. You could simply tell yourself five things you are grateful for or even better write them down on a gratitude journal every morning. Understanding how gratitude can help you become a happier person can be a stepping stone to get started on this practice.


4. Go out to nature in the morning:

Now I know this may not be very convenient if you live in the middle of the city. But even then, you could still take some time in the mornings to spend a few minutes outside sulking in the beautiful morning mist. There is something calming and serene about the first hour of the morning sunlight. If you pay enough attention you will surely notice the warmth and softness of the early morning light. If you live close to nature, this can be an even better experience for you to simply walk around or sit by the beach or in the woods. 


5. Practice mindful eating:

We live in a time of so many conveniences that food is in so much abundance that often we take the whole process of eating for granted. We have normalized eating just to satisfy the taste buds and ignored the real purpose of food which is to provide the necessary nutrition for our body. If you can become aware of this simple fact, you can slowly change your eating habits to eat food that is bringing you good health and wellness. Now, this doesn’t mean you need to entirely give up on eating the foods that you love but just eat those in moderation. 


6. Drink enough water:

Sometimes it is easy to forget to keep ourselves hydrated while leading our busy lives. And when we do realize that we haven’t been drinking enough water is usually when we feel some sort of symptom like a headache. Every morning when you wake up, before eating or drinking anything, it can really help to start your day with a glass of water. Make sure to give thanks for having access to clean drinking water. Many people just like you aren’t so lucky to have access to clean drinking water.


7. Declutter:

Have you noticed that being in a clean and organized space makes you feel a bit calmer? Just like the space itself, the act of decluttering your living spaces can help you feel more productive and content with your life. Stress is a by-product of a chaotic mind and living in a space full of clutter can have the same effect on your mind. If this is something you want to work on, read my earlier post on decluttering to help you get started.


8. Exercise:

Okay. This one’s pretty obvious. You cannot expect to feel good while being a couch potato 24/7. I understand exercising every day might be a little challenging while running on a busy work schedule. However, wholeheartedly believing the importance of exercise for your physical wellbeing can change how you think about this whole thing. Let’s be honest, if you do not think it is that important, chances are that you won’t be doing it. So having this attitude can help you commit to exercising regularly. What kind of exercise should you do? This depends on your current health and the status of your body. For instance, some of us might need to do a little more of cardio exercises like running to improve heart health while some of us might feel better lifting weights at the gym. I prefer doing yoga as my go-to exercise but sometimes I do like to go for a run or even do some calisthenics at home. Listen to your body and do what feels right. I would recommend mixing it up a little bit and see for yourself. Just make sure you are moving your body regularly. 


9. Read a book:

I used to think books were for nerds. I must admit the first time I read an entire book by choice I was already 19 years old. But ever since then, my whole view of reading books has changed. It has become a space where sometimes I could take refuge in something greater than my existence in this world. Reading is a great way to learn new things and keep your mind sharp as you age. It can help you be more creative and open your mind to new ideas and ways of life. Do not miss out on what you can gain by reading a good book as often as possible.


10. Unplug:

We live in a time where everything is one way or another connected to the internet or social media. Hence, it can be a bit challenging to disconnect sometimes. However, if you truly understand the value of this downtime, you can and will make it happen. Once every while make it a habit to deliberately take a break from social media, emails, and other online activities to give your mind the peace and quiet it needs to recharge and work in its most optimal capacity.


Life can get a little overwhelming sometimes and we can feel drained and exhausted. Understand that this is sometimes inevitable, but it is in your power to make the necessary changes in your habits to adapt to it. When things get tough, it is even more important to be kind to yourself and take care of your mind and body. 


With the right attitude, guidance, and most importantly regular action, we can all learn to take better care of ourselves. Now is the right time to get started. 


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