12 Realistic Ways to Find Work Life Balance

by | Jan 4, 2024 | Mindfulness | 0 comments

12 Realistic Ways to Find Work Life Balance


In today’s world driven by work and careers, finding work life balance has become an increasing challenge for many people. Companies have glorified the ability to work long hours and be on call 24/7. 


Whether it is to make time for your family and loved ones, take care of your physical and mental health, self-care, household chores, etc, more and more people are feeling the pressure of their careers and struggling to find work life balance. 


If you are currently going through a difficult time finding the balance between work and personal life, know that you aren’t alone on this and that you are more than capable of figuring things out. You just need to review your situation and make some changes to your routines and lifestyle to start releasing some of that pressure off of you. 


What does it mean to have a Work Life balance?


Work life balance may be a little different from person to person. However, generally work life balance means having a life where you have a fair balance between time for work and for personal life. 


This means you have enough time to complete all work commitments as well as make the time for important personal matters such as time with family, time for exercise, time to eat healthy meals, time for rest and relaxation, etc. 


When you have a healthy work life balance, you can expect to enjoy the below aspects of your life and not feel burned out or stressed majority of the time. 


  1. You get enough time for sleep
  2. You are able to complete your work tasks without having to spend long hours in the office every day
  3. You have made a clear distinction between work hours and personal time
  4. You don’t have to work on weekends
  5. After you go back home you have the option to not attend to work messages and emails
  6. You have enough time for exercise
  7. You have time to do grocery shopping, cook, and eat healthy meals
  8. You have time for your partner, kids, family and friends
  9. You have time for personal care and relaxation
  10. You can take a vacation at least once a year


Work Life balance

How to tell when you have a Work Life imbalance


Just like having work life balance is important, it’s also very important to know when your life is taking a negative turn and your work life balance is becoming compromised. Most of the time, going from a balanced work life situation to imbalance is a process and takes some time.


Hence, recognizing it before it’s too late is key to start making the changes in the right direction. Below are some things to look out for to identify imbalances in your work and personal life.


  1. You are being bombarded with more than the usual amount of work at the office
  2. You are having to work much longer hours to meet deadlines
  3. You feel stressed more often than usual
  4. You feel tired and exhausted more than usual
  5. You don’t have much energy left after work for your hobbies and other interests
  6. Your appetite is affected
  7. You find it difficult to fall asleep
  8. Your relationship with your partner, children, family, and friends is put on a sideline


Why is Work Life balance so important?


Your purpose in life is not just to work hard, earn money, pay the bills, and be done. Even though it may look a lot like that for the majority of us, there are many people out there who have found ways to make time for their passions, family, and other interests all while making an income.


Research has shown that people who work longer hours are at higher risk of chronic illnesses and other issues. Hence, having a healthy work life balance is so important to preserve your physical and emotional well-being, taking care of your family, and overall living a full and happy life with your loved ones.


If all those things aren’t what’s the most important then I don’t know what is. Without health, it’s safe to say that you will have a hard life full of limitations.  


How can you find Work Life balance?


Finding work life balance has a lot to do with restructuring and reorganizing your current work routine, as your work is not something you can avoid. Hence finding work life balance is about combining healthy changes to your work schedule, and finding the time for personal activities that nourish your mind and body. 


12 Realistic ways to find Work Life balance


1. Learn to say No


It is common in workplaces to glorify doing more. It is how productivity is measured in a lot of places and there is an expectation to do so. However, this is not equal to productivity and efficiency. Most people just seem to think so. So, the next time your colleague or superior asks you for a task, think about it. Are you supposed to be doing that? Is it going to deliver better results? If not, say no and explain why it’s not important. You just might not have to do it then.


2. Normalize going to work on time and getting out of the office on time


Another toxic workplace glory is being the last person to leave office. It’s nothing to be proud of. As a matter of fact, it only shows you are unable to complete your tasks on time. Start coming to work on time and leave when it’s time. Whatever is not done by the end of the day can wait until the next day. 


3. Start planning your daily tasks


A lot of us don’t have a daily planner. We come into work, and complete tasks as they come and go back. This way, we don’t prioritize what’s important and can sometimes spend hours on something that’s not getting any results. Have a solid daily plan of tasks arranged in order of importance and tackle the most important ones first. 


4. Plan the next day’s work the day before


Another great way to reduce work-related stress is to have a clear idea of what you have for tomorrow, latest by this evening. I like to keep it simple by taking note of what’s most important for the next day and tackling those first things in the morning.

Get better at productivity

5. Get better at Productivity


The better you become at productivity, the more ability you develop to complete more in less time and with less stress. So invest in yourself to learn about productivity and better utilize it at work.


6. Speak to your boss and encourage them to build a work environment that supports work life balance


Sometimes no matter how much you try, things are a little challenging if your workplace doesn’t support work life balance. A lot of workplaces have adapted that culture and this has come at the cost of employee well-being. If this is your situation, have a chat with your boss to explain yourself, and ask for his support to create a culture of work life balance.


7. Use break times to unplug


Whenever you have a break such as a coffee break or lunch break, make full use of it to disconnect from work. Don’t answer your calls and messages until the break time is over. Whatever it is, it can wait until you’re done with lunch. 


8. Have an exercise routine


To truly find the balance between work and life, you need to be in good shape physically as well. Make an effort to engage in some sort of exercise at least 5 days of the week. You can go for a run, a swim or to the gym, Do whatever you enjoy doing.


9. Make time regularly for your family and friends


This one is very straightforward. We all need the human touch and connection to feel loved, valued, and important. Always make sure you spend quality time with your family and friends. They are an important part of your life and you should not treat them any other way. 


10. Celebrate important things in life


We can all get so caught up with the busyness of our lives. Whenever you have an occasion that calls for a celebration either for yourself or the ones close to you, make the time to celebrate and appreciate the most important people in your life. 


11. Pick up a hobby or passion and indulge in it


It can be just so easy to continue your work, eat, and sleep routine. Don’t get stuck on that. Pick up a hobby or passion and spend time learning and enjoying it. It’s more important than it may seem. It can have such a positive impact on your well-being. 


12. Practice Mindfulness


And now the last one on this list, my most recommended of all. Mindfulness. Without it, I would not be able to cope with the responsibilities of my life for sure. By practicing mindfulness, you will increase your ability to deal with hardship, stress less, and do what’s important. If you don’t know how to get started, you may read below posts I have covered on mindfulness.



Key Takeaway 


At the current pace things are going around in the corporate world, it may seem nearly impossible to find work life balance. But if you understand why it’s so important and by following the above steps, I am confident that you can start slowly making changes for the better and find work life balance.   


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