A Beginner’s Guide to Zazen Meditation

A Beginner’s Guide to Zazen Meditation

A Beginner’s Guide to Zazen Meditation   The practical use of meditation has never been more important. With the amount of stressors in an average person’s life today, I strongly believe every one of us has a responsibility to take care of one’s mental and...
8 Calming Meditation Room Ideas to Improve Your Wellbeing

8 Calming Meditation Room Ideas to Improve Your Wellbeing

8 Calming Meditation Room Ideas to Improve Your Wellbeing     I always vouch for that one habit that keeps me cool, calm, and collected (mostly). It’s none other than my meditation practice. While a dedicated meditation room isn’t necessary to practice, it’s...
A Guide to Holistic Living

A Guide to Holistic Living

A Guide to Holistic Living     What is Holistic Living?     Holistic Living is living life in such a way that you have developed a deep understanding of mind, body and soul, and how each of these dimensions of your life are inter connected. It’s truly a...
The Art of Mindful Living

The Art of Mindful Living

The Art of Mindful Living   Mindfulness and Mindful Living has become a widely searched topic on the internet and it is with great reason. It is important that as many of us learn what mindful living means and know how to be more mindful in our daily lives....
12 Realistic Ways to Find Work Life Balance

12 Realistic Ways to Find Work Life Balance

12 Realistic Ways to Find Work Life Balance   In today’s world driven by work and careers, finding work life balance has become an increasing challenge for many people. Companies have glorified the ability to work long hours and be on call 24/7.    Whether...
6 Research-backed Methods to Calm Your Mind

6 Research-backed Methods to Calm Your Mind

6 Research backed Methods to Calm Your Mind   If you can relate to most people who lead busy lives filled with responsibilities, you can probably understand how important it is to be able to calm your mind from time to time. When our lives get busy and hectic,...
12 Inspiring Ways to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

12 Inspiring Ways to Cultivate a Positive Mindset

12 Inspiring Ways to Cultivate a Positive Mindset   “Don’t ever underestimate the power of a positive mindset.” – Unknown –   Our lives are complex and consist of so many different aspects that we need to take care of on a daily basis. From...
12 Genius Ways to Cultivate a Creative Mind

12 Genius Ways to Cultivate a Creative Mind

12 Genius Ways to Cultivate a Creative Mind   How do you define a creative mind? Is it a person with unreal artistic talent capable of creating beautiful and unique artwork? Or your favorite musician that can sing and play awe-inspiring music? Well, both of these...